Find accommodation in Nantes

Mis à jour le 17/05/2024

You have come to Nantes to study and you are looking for accomodation. Find general information and different possibilities to find something that meets your needs and your budget. 

Whether you choose to live on your own or in shared apartments, you will have to pay the rent and the service charges (rates, maintenance, housing tax and a deposit for the apartment). The private residences are localized near the student faculties and the high school. Find all adresses on logement or

If you accept the accomodation found through a property agency, the standard fees are equal to one month’s rent.  And good to know : the security deposit is refundable if the apartment is in the same condition when you leave. The landlord has a legal deadline of one month to refund you this deposit.

Looking for Housing Offers

Info Jeunes Pays de la Loire : Free consultation on housing offers by landlords at You can find both national and regional documents regarding the same topic in the place. Do not hesitate to come over at the Information Points for Youth if you are looking for accommodation in and around Nantes.

Crous informs students regarding their research for accommodation and it offers information for them. You will find lists housing offers by individuals via Also, in order to rent a university room, students have to submit a request via  between march 1st and may 31. You will be informed about acceptance or rejection of Crous residency on the beginning of july. More information via

Shared Accommodation

Living with flat mates, a landlord or in intergenerational housing…may be a good experience of shared accommodation. The option are varied.

Shared with Flat mates (« colocation » in french) : The rent is divided between the residents. This is particularly interesting for those arriving in a city without knowing anyone because it is an easy way to make new friends. But be sure that you want to share your accommodation ! You will have different rules of life to respect and to agree before : distribution of tasks, grocery shopping, cleanning…To set up a « colocation » some students already have a flat and put up ad’s looking for people, while other students look for people and place to live at the same time. It is up to you !

Shared with landlord (« chez l’habitant » ou « chambre privée » in french) : You live in the house with the owner, renting only a bedroom. You share the kitchen and the bathroom. This solution is less expensive than living by yourself but it can be more complicated to invite friends over.

Intergenerational Housing : You live with elderly people and in exchange, a minimum time of presence is imposed and you carry out differents tasks such as : grocery shopping, assisting with cooking, having a conversation… More information with Nantes Renoue and Le temps pour Toit.

Follow information about Housing assistance by the Caf.

Further information

Sites of individuals housing or shared accommodation

Crédits photo : ©

Actualisé le 17/05/2024

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